Dr. Ethel Morale Gathers
As President of the San Antonio, Texas Chapter of the Dedicated Women in Christ (DWIC) Ministries, Dr. Ethel Morale Gathers is a devoted Mother, Mentor, Teacher, Veteran, Author and Preacher of God’s Word.
Speaking Engagements
Mission Statement: Women dedicated to loving, encouraging, and building each other in Christ by caring, sharing, and reaching out to others in love.Tools of this Ministry include: Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, Retreats and Outreach.
Ethel Gathers holds a Doctor of Religious Education Degree, a Masters of Education Degree, and a Masters of Arts Degree in Theology. She is a Certified Restorative Therapist through the Faith-Based Counselling Training Institute, State of TX.
The Autobiography of
Dr. Ethel Morale Gathers
“Dr. Ethel Morale Gathers documents her life’s journey from her humble beginnings in the cotton fields of Louisiana, to her years of military and civil service, her travels and most importantly, her walk with Christ. She shares the “highs” and “lows” of her life, and is a great example of an overcomer.”
Elder/Dr. Gathers has ministered to thousands and is intimately acquainted with the practices of an effective church. "Church Culture ... What Members Dare Not Say" provides biblical insight in moving the church to a new level of spiritual maturity.